Sunday, April 17, 2011

Our Mission: Chesed

Chesed is one of the foundations upon which the world stands. Our family has seen unbelievable acts of Chesed done for us since this challenging period began just over a year ago. This has brought about a tremendous Kiddush Hashem and has inspired us to begin our Ahavas Chesed campaign. We will be sending out daily emails with short lessons from the Chofetz Chaim's sefer entitled "Ahavas Chesed", with small daily goals which will serve to increase Chesed awareness and Achdus. There will be room for comments, stories, and insights surrounding these missions, which will hopefully strengthen participation in our project. We hope that as a result the Kiddush Hashem will grow and ultimately bring about a Refuah Shleimah for Chaya Meira Mindel bas Chava Golda and all Cholim in Klal Yisroel. Thank you for doing all you can do to help. You have already done your first act of Chesed just by reading this paragraph!


  1. What a beautiful idea. May this be a zechus for Meira. May I humbly suggest another zechus that is so powerful, but unfortunately neglected by so many people and that is refraining from talking during davening, particularly during the repetition of the shemoneh esray, kaddish and the Torah reading. From reading what chazal say in this regard, I believe there is no greater zechus. Furthermore, when one answers "amen. Yehay shmay..." during kaddish even a gezarah ra'ah of 70 years is revoked. If we all strive to be careful in this regard, we will create tremendous zechusim, not only for Meira, but for ourselves as well. And while YES it is difficult (at first) to do, the reward is commensurate with the difficulty. Let us strive to take this on as best we can and may it be of tremendous zechus to Meira.

  2. Thank you Rabbimike for being the first to post! Does anyone have any stories about acts of Chesed Meira has done for them or stories you might have heard about the unbelievable Chesed taking place since she was diagnosed?

  3. Lauri Wolff (Polen) Tziona Zeffren's sister

    I have had Chaya Meira Mendel bas Chava Golda in my Refaenu Venerafe every day.

    On another note a friend of ours was in an accident when a motor vehicle struck his motorcycle. He broke his elbow and his risk but was very gratified to be alive. He has surgery on both. At first his wrist was not identified as broken, only his elbow. So he had to undergo two anesthesias. He needed to go back to the hospital for the wrist surgery. He got a cab driven by a lubavicher chasid and he asked for a blessing and the chassid got out of the car and opened the side door of the car gave him big blessing. Then when he was in the waiting room there was another chassid waiting and he asked him for a blessing and he also blessed him and gave him a big hug. May we continue to experience Chesed from unexpected sources.

    I have been concentrating on answering Amen and Yehei Shmei Rabba... I will continue to do so in Meira's case.
